Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Committee and Topic Areas 委員會議題

Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)

Topic Areas:

Nuclear Security in a Changing Global Environment

Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons

Study Guide will be online soon.

Topic A. Nuclear Security in a Changing Global Environment

Multi-facet is the true colour of nuclear issues concerning politics, security, environment and economics.The Fukushima crisis again raises the very issue of neclear energy and its relevant applications on to the international stage. Yet to what extent is it alarming to the rest of the world?

On one hand, the shifting political landscapes today destablize the long planted focal points of some of the world's most fluid yet strategic hot spots. On the other hand, divergent levels of development among states pave the ways that convergence may hardly be reached. And if measures are to be taken, ought certain states stride the first step? How can the international society conspire to secure a sustainable, prosperous and safe environment?

2011 NTNU MUN DISEC will delve into the central mandate of nuclear security with the timely approach, in regards to the precarious global environment. We will review the nuclear disarmament measures, re-examine the non-proliferation treaty with focus on safeguard mechanism and peaceful use of energy. The coordination of relevant sectors and the involvement and engagement of civil society in the final resolution is of vital necessity.

Topic B. Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons

Wars might sound more appalling to many of us. Yet the frquency and casualty resulted from armed conflicts outweights that of the former. Each year, approximately 300,000 deaths are estimated to be tragedy under small arms in conflict zones. And around 59% of world weapons are in the civilian possession.

Despite the previous effort on regulating arm trade, the outcome is far from satisfactory. The illicit trade and possession by no means pose threat to security only. The impact would in fact altogether drags down one nation's economic performance, sabotages development and puts governance at stake. How can the world advocates a better cooperation to safeguard human security? And how can the spark of effort be expanded? By reviewing the treaties and workshops on the floor, delegates are highly encouraged to come up with creative solutions; and should spare no effort to creat a favorable environment for effective cooperation.

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